Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Spiritual Meaning of Number Eleven

Did you ever think of this numbers that rule the world and control the occurrences of memorable events around the world?
To those of us aware of how the true sources of terror in the world operate, it's clear to see the political and numerological importance behind the July 7 terror attack in London, and if you read on you will understand why this looks so suspicious. Many of these people are members of satanic secret societies, and are deeply involved in the new age movement and numerology, and their main goal is a "New World Order", with them in charge. On this level there are several instances in recent history that these forces have used numerological signals to send to each other
 The 9-11 attacks have a HUGE number of signals related to numerology. They occurred exactly 11 years to the day after President George Bush Senior gave a major address to Congress entitled, "Toward A New World Order". That address was on September 11, 1990. Precisely 11 years to the day later, American Airlines Flight 11 started the attacks of 9-11-2001 when it slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. The towers, of course, symbolized a huge 11 over the skies of New York. The Pentagon was modeled after the satanic symbol of the pentagram. Another fact about the Pentagon is that its ground breaking ceremony, and beginning of construction, took place on SEPTEMBER 11th 1941. Why is the Number `11' important?
How does this relate to London? The date of course was 7/7. Also the year is 2005, 7/7/2005: 7/7/2+0+0+5: 7/7/7 = 777. Also the number the Bible gives the beast from the pit is 666. If you add: 666+111=777. 
The Madrid train bombings consisted of a series of coordinated bombings against the Cercanías (commuter train) system of Madrid, Spain on the morning of 11 March 2004 (three days before Spain's general elections).The satanic number has been fully used.
The coordinated shooting and bombing in the most populous city of India, Mumbai occurred on November; again the month is number Eleven in the calendar. And more recently the bombings in Kampala Uganda took place on 11th of July 2010(again the date is eleven)

All of this fits far too neatly into their satanic number code. If you recall it was flight 77 that slammed into the Pentagon. Multiples of 11 are often used by these Satanists to send out a secret signal to each other in instances like these, almost like some kind of demonic smoke signal. If you recall; there were 911 days BETWEEN the day of the 9/11 Attacks and the 2004 Madrid Train Bombings on March 11, (again the 11). Why is the Number `11' important? Occultists believe it is an important number of the coming Antichrist. God assigns the Number `11' to Antichrist in Daniel 7:

From Nero burning Rome, to Hitler burning the Reichstag. From Pearl Harbor to Oklahoma City, and of course the attack on 9-11, the history of tyrannical governments allowing or committing acts of terrorism on their own peoples and institutions to gain more control over them, and to justify globalist wars to fund the international war machine, is well documented.
Knowing the importance of this mind blowing number will save you the energy to go for stroll.

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